I have already perfected dairy-free lasagna. I love it but it is a pretty heavy dish. Tons of pasta, sauce, meat...well, tons of everything really. These shells seemed like the perfect solution. I could have the taste of lasagna that I loved but in a smaller commitment. I love how they turned out. I will be making these again, once my freezer stash has dwindled.
Lasagna Stuffed ShellsFrom Allrecipes.com
1 Box Jumbo Pasta Shells (about 40 shells)
1 Pound Ground Turkey
12oz Firm Tofu
8oz Veggie Shreds Parmesan/Mozzarella Mix Flavor
2 Large Eggs
1 1/2 Jars Tomato Sauce (I used Tomato & Basil flavor)
Optional: Feel free to cover the tops of the shells/sauce with more shredded cheese.
- In a large stock pot, bring about 4 quarts of water to a boil.
- Once the water is boiling, salt the water generously and add the shells.
- Cook the shells for about 10 minutes. You want them to be slightly under-done.
- While the shells are cooking, cook the turkey in a skillet and set aside.
- In a bowl, mash together the eggs, tofu, and veggie shreds.
- Once the shells are cooked, remove from the water and rinse with cold water.
- Spread tomato sauce on the bottom of two 9x13 baking pans (or 3 8x8 pans).
- Take a shell and spoon about a teaspoon of turkey into the bottom of it.
- Next, spoon a heaping teaspoon of tofu mixture onto the turkey.
- Place the shell into a baking dish.
- Continue with the remaining shells.
- Once all of the shells are in the pans, spoon tomato sauce onto the top of each shell.
- Bake the shells at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, just until the cheese/tofu is melted.
Yields:12 servings
These are really filling and very yummy. They freeze well too. The best part is the stats.